Welding Wand
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1.    Prepare the 15-30 cm holder;
2.    Remove old paint layers. Rust does not impede. Set details without gaps. Press and fix;
3.    Insert the holder tightly into the Wand hollow  part;
4.    Put on goggles and gloves;
5.    Ignite the inverse part;
6.    Bring the Wand close to the welding site, hold it at 70 - 90 angle  and at 2 – 3 mm distance from the surface;
7.    At the initial point of the seam, a period of 3 – 4 s is allowed to elapse for warming-up of metal;
8.    When a bright mass appears, move the Wand with speed of 2 – 4 mm/s, executing therewith circular motions crosswise the seam;
9.    Cool the part with water for sharp cooling. Remove slag from the cooled seam.

•    Select properly the Wand thickness (Refer to Table of Compatibility);
•    Don’t stop the Wand after the beginning of movement – a burn-through of metal is possible;
•    Don’t move quickly – otherwise gripping will not occur;
•    When operating indoors, exhausting of air shall be provided;
•    If parts to be welded vary in thickness, warm up more the thicker metal ;
•    With water, it is not possible to stop the Wand burning.

When operating the WAND, special attention should be given to the following:
•    Energy-independent thermo-chemic soldering-and-welding wands represent a new method that is significantly different from traditional procedures of metal welding and soldering and, on its principle of action, is individually neither WELDING nor SORDERING; 
•    For simplicity of analogies, the method is described as a WELDING-SOLDERING procedure. It really uses properties and character of metal interactions both when welding and soldering;
•    Parts to be welded shall be brought to red heat at the junction place (1000°С), parts are heated by the wand flame directed at the junction place;
•    If the metal is not brought to red heat at the place of welding (up to 1000°С), the weld seam (sold) will be not formed, and combustion products as a glassy scale will remain at the junction place;
•    If the parts to be welded are immediately adjacent to massifs of any other parts, materials and so on that makes possible the heat-rejection (the heat outflow) from the place of welding, the parts to be welded could not be heated up to the required temperature – this factor shall be taken into consideration when choosing the wand capacity (in conformity with the diameter) and energy capacity (in conformity with the length);
•    When joining the parts of different thickness, the thicker part shall be more heated. If the thicker metal is not heated, the sold will be formed only on the surface of the heated-up (thin) metal and the parts will not be joined by the weld seam;
•    If the wand fire jet is directed to the detail surface at an angle more than 75°, the significant reflection and dispersion of the wand thermal energy will occur. In most cases it is not possible to warm the metal up to a temperature ensuring the weld seam formation. Try to direct the wand perpendicularly to surfaces of parts to be welded.

Possible fields of Welding wand application:
•    Emergency and salvage operations (effected by Ministry of Extraordinary Situations, special emergency-and-salvage units, militarized and other units)
•    Field repairs including repairs of agricultural and other machinery and equipment
•    Minor repairs (under domestic conditions, in country-cottages, farms)
•    Individual sanitary works
•    Local welding works (earthing, welding-up of cracks, temporary fastening, urgent works)
•    Possibility to provide services on metal welding and cutting as well as other services with use of the wand (services in country-cottages, minor repairs in apartments, in private sector and the like)

Operations with energy-independent exothermic means do not require the welder professional skills, they are the most handy and efficient for small volumes of work, works outside of special-purpose bases, operations in the absence of stationary welding means and so on.

In many cases the energy-independent exothermic means by their quality features may well replace the gas welding and cutting of metals, and in irregular and extraordinary situations  (in emergency, field conditions, away from repair bases etc.) and when executing small repair, domestic, spot and non-permanent works they can replace  traditional techniques of metal welding and cutting. 

The table of conformity of diameter of a Welding Wand to a thickness of welded sheets:
Metal, mm1,0 - 1,5
1,5 - 2,5
2,0 - 3,0
3,0 - 3,5
3,5 - 4,0
4,0 - 5,0
5,0 - 6,0
Ø, mm

with an overlap7
in a butt joint


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